Research shows that continuous stress raises the blood corticosteroids and adrenaline levels, which has an adverse effect on the neural connections, preventing the effective transfer of information. To make matters worse, continuous stress has also been found to increase the production of free radicals in the body, which attack body cells including the neurons and cause even more damage.
Give your best effort to everything you do, and then do not hold yourself responsible for the results whether good or bad. Keep your faith, reformulate frustrations into challenges and anger into acceptance. Keep in mind that while you may not be able to change what is happening to you, you can certainly change your attitude towards it. Your way of looking at your problems can help you generate more energy and enthusiasm.
Physical relaxation This is a kind of release or let go technique that achieves mental wellbeing by relaxing the body's muscles. A well-known example is yoga. Menta relaxation This is another release technique that achieves a relaxed state through visualizing a pleasant picture or view. It works like this: The left-brain hemisphere is responsible for intellectual faculties and rational ability, while the right-brain hemisphere is the source of inspiration and feelings. During our daily life, we usually use our left side more often.
This visualization technique is based on the idea that recalling pleasant and peaceful images through our right hemisphere brings about a general feeling of wellbeing and counters the stressful thoughts that result from the over-engagement of the left side of the brain. Involving our brain's right side is like adding bright colours to a black and white picture, or flavouring a bland, tasteless food. Meditation: This is a deep relaxation technique with a more lasting effect than that of those mentioned above.
Meditation is explained in more detail in Chapter Five, which deals with the spiritual body.As we have learnt so far, our body is one whole system. To deliver good 'food' to the brain, you have to feed the whole body in a healthy way. So the first step in our optimum brain nutrition plan is to follow a healthy eating regime that conforms to the principles of the food guide pyramid.
To review briefly choose your basic food from the complex carbohydrates group; eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables reduce your consumption of red meat and instead eat fish and beans as a main protein source drink your milk and reduce your intake of fats and sweets. These holy words are especially useful for our brain health.
According to Dr. Richard Restak if we eat a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates, proteins and essential fats without consuming any extra calories, we will get all our nutrient needs, and preserve the youthful functions and vitality of our bodies for longer. This caloric restriction is believed to reduce the amount of free radicals generated in the body by doing so we protect our DNA (the genetic material present inside every cell) from possible damage.
In the 1930s Clive Mc Cay, a Cornell University scientist, conducted an animal study proving that a diet containing all needed nutrients while restricting caloric intake by almost 60% caused the rats to live healthier and longer. Now scientists believe that a reduction in calorie intake is the best way to protect your body and brain by giving them both the chance to regenerate and to repair the damage caused by nutritional and environmental hazards on a daily basis, instead of leaving it to accumulate over the years.
If performed properly, fasting during Ramadan as prescribed in the Quran, and at other times of the year as encouraged in the Sunnah, is an excellent application of this concept. In addition to the general guidelines for healthy nutrition (described in Chapter Two), our brains may benefit from some more specific advice.
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