
Tuesday, July 17, 2018



Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Said Water melon take diet it work as well as drink it was very useful to clean urinary bladder, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) eat Water melon with fresh dates, a glass of water melon juice can naturally eliminate wastages and promote to proper digestion.



Some Scientific studies indicates that the water melon should contain more amount of folic acid and Vitamins, these particular Vitamins are may help to reduce the risk of heart diseases and colon Cancer .

Water melon is richness in Vitamin C content which are extraordinary works to healing the wounds and also inhibiting the cell damage, Vitamin C is very important to triggering the immune system, the antioxidant properties of Watermelon ensure a healthy kidney, antioxidant which present in watermelon may helpful to maintain the eye sight power and it control eye disorders, watermelon is rich source in lypocene which are helpful to maintain heart health and inhibit the age related cardiac disorders.

Another benefit of Watermelon is it help to heal allergic reactions, like latex Watermelon treat not only your taste buds also to your health system, Watermelon can added to yogurt to taste and nutrition, another fact of water melon is provide arginine which is a great reason that enables the right impact of insulin in our body.

Watermelon maintaining the body temperature and give chillness to our body, Peoples who are skin disorder cases in their body the right way to cure the skin damage and given healthy skin, watermelon intaking as food is best way to cure it, the fibre found in watermelon like Cerotinide, Vitamin C, Magnesium, can assist to maintaining the cholesterol level and reduce the risk of heart attacks allowing to lead a healthy life.

Watermelon is also beneficial for reduce body weight and give also maintain ideal weight without leaving any extra on you because watermelon is free from fat contents, Simply watermelon is a very healthy food as per thought of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Before 1400 years ago, that the scientific studies are proves today the watermelon really contains most of the healthy contents which are maintaining our body and prevent from diseases.

Some scientific studies proves that due to richness of  L-Citrulline in the watermelon fruit it is helpful to relieves muscle soreness regular intake of watermelon juice before workout or Physical exercise had  less soreness the day and reduce the heart rate.

Recent Medical research shown that the watermelon has ability to increase the heart strength, watermelon contains magnesium, amino acid, which are improve the maintain of blood vessel while also to maintain the electrolyte in the body, watermelon has ability to balance our hormonal functions, daily intake of watermelon juice in the morning time is helpful to becoming a healthy and strengthen heart.

Cell reinforcements

Vitamin C and Lycopene When you nibble into a cool wedge of watermelon, you presumably don't have cell reinforcements at the forefront of your thoughts. Free radicals are rebel atoms that are feeling the loss of an electron. To by and by make themselves finish, that go off looking for an electron to take from another entire particle. Cancer prevention agents, similar to vitamin C and lycopene intercede by giving one of their additional electrons to the free radical, accordingly killing it and keeping it from causing cell harm. 

Insurance Against Diabetes

While you won't not have the capacity to get as a great part of the amino corrosive from watermelon as you may through supplementation, it is taking note of that nourishments that contain this compound can be a helpful piece of an eating routine intended to battle against diabetes.

Heart Healthy Summertime Treat

Lycopene is in charge of the pinkish red tint of watermelons. It is likewise in charge of each shade of red tomato from the palest pink to the most garnet like reds. Did you realize that there is more lycopene in watermelon than tomatoes? Just about one and half circumstances more.

Lessening of Severity and Frequency of Asthma Attacks

Fascinating new research is pointing towards an association between vitamin C and asthma. Ebb and flow examine shows that low levels of vitamin C relates to an expansion of asthma assaults, while larger amounts of vitamin C are attached to a lessening in asthma side effects.

Encourages You Lose Weight Faster

On the off chance that you are attempting to get in shape, you realize that we as a whole have those triggers that send us not far off of enticement, yearning in the wake of something that we know isn't the most beneficial choice. For some individuals, that thing is desserts. It isn't just about the sweetness of sugary treats, yet additionally about the surface and the mouthfeel. The surface of watermelon is relatively similar to that of a sweet that melts in your mouth. It can be cut and introduced on a plate simply like a bit of cake or pie. Watermelon fulfills the passionate longing for and additionally the physical one. One more reason that watermelon causes you get thinner? Watermelon is generally water, joined with a fair fiber content. These mix tops you off and abandons you fulfilled longer than any sugary, fat loaded treat.

The Potassium in Watermelon Protects Nerve Function

On the off chance that you experience the ill effects of evening time leg spasms, a potassium insufficiency may likewise be the reason. Stay away from these disagreeable symptoms by getting a charge out of some watermelon which has around 170 mg of potassium.

Kill Inflammation

Perpetual, foundational irritation is known to be an antecedent to a considerable lot of the genuine infections that we experience the ill effects of today including diabetes, coronary illness, fibromyalgia and significantly malignancy.  A standout amongst the best methods for battling aggravation is through dietary sources. Watermelon contains the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline, two known intense calming specialists. Keeping cool with watermelon can help chill off irritation also.

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