
Thursday, July 5, 2018




Honey is a viscous liquid prepared by honey bees from various plant flower. Roman employed honey for different the thought of prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) Refers to honey is a great healer of many diseases and best nutritional food.1400 BC ago Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) said that honey can heal variety of medical problems. honey has tremendous medical values.


Honey does not accommodate bacteria, honey is bactericide. The existence of hydrogen peroxide and antioxidants in honey prevent the growth of bacteria. Strong antioxidants are available in honey like Pinobaxin, Chrisin, and Galagin etc.

Scientific researchers believe food products which rich in antioxidants may prevent heart diseases and Cancer. Many studies showed that honey is a good treatment against the hospital infection bacteria.

If child is given one small spoon of honey before going to sleep this will have positive effect its work as to treat involuntary urination at bed, thus it’s given relax expand during sleep.

Honey provides important part for energy needed by the body for good blood formation. Honey is very helpful to clean the blood. It has many positive effects to regulating blood circulation.

Regular intake of honey gives healthier skin, old medical treatment prescription Honey for heal skin cracking, roughness of skin, the inflammation and wounds of lips, and dermal pigments etc.

In cosmetics a mixture of honey with lemon glycerine is considered for the best medical prescription. Honey is very beneficial one to treatment of insomnia and sedative for nerves, its contain some sedative and tonic substances like potassium and sodium.

Honey is useful to treatment of colds, Flu, and cough, the regular use of honey is safe and it has no allergic or side effects. Scientific studies showed that the consumption of honey is provides relief from diarhea and dysentery.

Honey is having anti-septic properties which is good for treating burns, infected surgical wounds and ulcer. Honey is helpful to improve the kidney and intestine function better, and it is easily digestive one.

Honey is very beneficial for reducing production of acid in the mouth thus it is good for maintain oral health. Honey contains lower in calories when compared with sugar, its having very low fatty contents, honey is very helpful who those trying to weight loss.

Honey is energy booster and it reduce muscle fatigue, and its also helpful for regulates blood sugar. Honey is sweetest one but those who suffer from diabetes can enjoy it without any problem.

Honey can help to regulate blood sugar levels due to combination of glucose and fructose. For Cough treatment and get quick relief from cough mix one table spoon of honey in fresh squeezed lemon juice and mix well takes it to drink this solution regular this remedy is recommended by historical old medicine prescriptions.

For relief from burning and itching sensation and pain simply apply raw honey to the affected area within some time you feel relief burning and itching, honey promotes fast healing when apply honey on the minor burn several times a day.

Honey is a fantastic Moisturizer, specially on dry patches, elbows or hands even on lips. Combining equal part of honey, vinegar and water and drink these combinations of three ingredients get rids of intestinal worm, making your body toxin free.


Nectar controls Cholesterol 

Elevated cholesterol is an overwhelming medical issue that ought to be managed enough and on time. Numerous examinations have demonstrated that nectar is a sound source to control elevated cholesterol levels. An investigation has even said that devouring 70g of nectar routinely for 30 days can lessen these levels by 3%. Shockingly, with the assistance of the nectar, you can expand great cholesterol levels.

Nectar for Diabetics 

In spite of being sweet in taste, nectar doesn't build the sugar in the circulatory system and it is alright for diabetics. It is additionally said to lessen fasting serum glucose keep up fasting C-peptide, an aggravate that balances out insulin. It could be a sound other option to fake sweeteners. Diabetics would now be able to make the most of their teas or oats by fusing nectar in them. Since regular items generally don't contain any unfavorable impacts it is as yet encouraged to counsel with your specialist before expending anything.

It Treats Gastric Problems 

Gastric issues are normal in youngsters and grown-ups alike. On account of antimicrobial and cancer prevention agent parts found in the nectar, you can treat your stomach difficulties naturally, for the last time. You expend it crude or weakened in warm water for better impacts. It is a sheltered and brisk approach to manage gastric issues because of an extra antibacterial quality in it – which is methylglyoxal. It battles germs and terrible microscopic organisms in your stomach related tract.

Nectar for Infections 

Microorganisms are the primary driver of different sorts of diseases. You can keep your body from these diseases just by consolidating it into your day by day eat less carbs. Being improved with antibacterial properties, it fills in as a shield against different sorts of contamination keeping your body from additionally harm.

It Boosts Energy 

Since the sweet tasting nectar is stacked with the methylglyoxal compound, it is known to support vitality levels. This compound additionally adds to improve your resistant framework empowering the development of cytokines, which are found to compose insusceptible your reactions. Joined with cell reinforcements, these properties keep your body dynamic and super stimulated.

It Prevents Nausea 

Queasiness and predictable morning disorder will block you from adhering to your eating routine once a day, making your weaker and weaker. Be that as it may, adding a touch of nectar to your eating routine can change this definitely. You can treat this condition by adding lemon juice to crude nectar. It not simply eases queasiness, but rather averts retching also. On the off chance that lemon juice is excessively sharp for you, you can attempt this cure with apple juice vinegar before going to bed.

Nectar for Weight Loss 

This brilliant shaded substance is a delicious method to get thinner. You can even supplant customary sugar consumption with it for fast outcomes. Also, expending a spoonful of nectar with warm water can decrease your sugar longings, which will help you a great deal amid your weight reduction travel. An ongoing report noticed the way that characteristic sugars found in the nectar demonstration uniquely in contrast to white sugar inside your body.

It Promotes Sleep 

Resting 8 hours with no interruption is critical for your prosperity. This is the reason; specialists and dietitians recommend getting a lot of rest and rest to battle medical issues. Be that as it may, not getting enough rest can put your wellbeing at different dangers. It is the place devouring it comes into an activity. Eating a tablespoon of it before sleep time is prescribed to restless people. Along these lines, their liver glycogen remains up in light of the fact that in the event that they get unfilled, your liver stops glucose development, which is fundamental for creating vitality. This procedure is said to keep you from nodding off as you should.

Nectar for Asthma 

Isn't it astonishing to discover that it can alleviate asthma also, which is an overwhelming medical issue. It not simply it treats disturbing hacks, but rather diminishes the respiratory framework by keeping all that wheezing and beset breathing under control. Additionally, nectar is known to mitigate bodily fluid films found in the aviation routes. Devouring a conventional amount of nectar can likewise hinder bodily fluid development in the bronchial tubes, which is known as a noteworthy asthma side effect.

Removes Dandruff 

Dandruff and an irritated scalp are very irritating issues. Also they are humiliating. You But because of the antibacterial properties found in nectar, you can dispose of the issues unequivocally. Utilizing nectar on hair is as sheltered as eating it. To treat dandruff and an undesirable scalp, all you require is to blend parallel bits of crude nectar and water. Back rub your scalp with it and apply on the locks also. Abandon it for a hour and afterward wash it off. You will see a distinction in less weeks.

Nectar for Skin 

There is just a single method to get glossy, perfect and an even skin and that is nectar. General utilization of crude nectar on the face can treat different skin issues including skin break out – on account of its antibacterial and clean properties indeed. This sweet substance not simply expels skin break out scars, but rather stops their reoccurrence too. On the off chance that you are worrying over the presence of untimely wrinkles and almost negligible differences, begin utilizing it today to get a lot of supplements that your skin needs. Also, you don't generally need to spend an additional sum on the brightening items once you have brought a nectar jolt. It is known to improve your composition keeping it brilliant and clear.

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