
Tuesday, January 15, 2019



According to the recommendation of the USDA, not more than 30% of our calorie intake should be supplied from fat. However, until the age of two years, no restriction should be made on a person's fat intake (provided that it is the right type of fat), as until this age their brain and nervous system are still developing and the fats are needed for the healthy formation of neurons. No serving range or serving size is given to this group of food by either the USDA or ADA  they just recommend that fats be consumed sparingly. Just to get a general idea about the right amount to be consumed, we can look at the Mayo Clinic's own guidelines for healthy fat intake. Eat a maximum of three to four servings per day, each serving consisting of around 45 calories, preferably from good fat choices.

A serving of fats may be found in each of the following:  4 to 8 nuts or peanuts according to size a slice of avocado (around the size of an orange slice) 5 to 8 olives, again according to size 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, olive oil is the best choice 1 tablespoonful seeds, but avoid roasted and heavily salted ones  2 teaspoons commercial  mayonnaise, preferably low-fat Now, we must ask: Which type of fat is the right fat? To answer this question.

LDL cholesterol : cholesterol carried by low density lipoproteins (LDL) which circulate to body cells carrying it where it is needed. If their level in the blood increases beyond natural body needs, they may form deposits on arteries and blood vessels hence 'bad' cholesterol. HDL cholesterol: cholesterol carried by high density lipoproteins (HDL) away from body cells to the liver so they can be broken down and excreted; hence 'good' cholesterol.Triglycerides are the major component of dietary and tissue fat. A high level in the blood indicates potential cardiovascular risks.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W ) said Eat oil and use it as ointment as it comes from a blessed tree  It is clear from his statement  that he (S.A.W ) was referring to olive oil. As seen in the previous table, olives and their oil are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. These acids tend to improve blood cholesterol ratio by their double beneficial effect.

They raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). According to the latest scientific research, a traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern which incorporates fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fatty fish as well as olive oil is likely to reduce cardiovascular risks. Olive oil's phenolic content seems to reduce the possibility for LDL to form plaque and stick to the artery walls. Furthermore, olive oil is highly effective against chronic constipation and it has been proven effective in expelling gall bladder stones.

Ointments prepared from olive oil are good emollients and healing agents for chapped and dry skin. Olive oil is available in supermarkets in several varieties: light, virgin or extra virgin. All are the same in terms of the type and the amount of fat. The difference lies mainly in the flavour and aroma and perhaps in the phytonutrient content; as we noted earlier, the more processed the food is, the more it loses its beneficial value. The extra virgin type is obtained by cold-pressing the olives and hence it is the most flavoursome and probably the most nutritious type. Remember, although it is healthy, olive oil is still high in calories.

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